Servant Leadership As The Alternative To Toxic Business Culture

Toxic culture, toxic organizations, toxic bosses. Cult of one. Total dependency on one and only
rock-star-CEO. The current crisis seems to go well beyond global economics, armed conflicts
and monetary policies. It is a crisis of values, purpose and relations.


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Toxic culture, toxic organizations, toxic bosses. Cult of one. Total dependency on one and only
rock-star-CEO. The current crisis seems to go well beyond global economics, armed conflicts
and monetary policies. It is a crisis of values, purpose and relations.
You try to build a company in the middle of all that. Profitable business with strong culture and
values based on the community of people, clients and partners. You search for inspiration,
guidance, examples.

But what comes back is a bitter list of things that are promoted:
● Better to be a unicorn without profit than a small to medium business with sound
● Growing shareholder value is better than giving people a stable environment for growth
and work
● Creating non-fungible but also non-tangible assets is better than creating something
tangible, useful, difficult

So what do you do? Go with the flow and ride the wave of easy money, VC pumped bubble economy, hustling and overnight success? Or, you get over the strange feeling of missing out
while choosing the good old hard-working approach?

In my business soul-searching journey, I came to the conclusion that ego-management is probably the most underdeveloped skill we have these days.


It boils down to one revelation: Don’t focus too much on yourself; serve others and good things will come back to you. This is where the servant leadership concept comes in handy.

Becoming a servant leader, either as an individual or as an organization, is difficult. In Simon
Sinek terms, it’s rather an Infinite Game. There is no final goal, and it is a never ending journey.
There is always something to improve. Servant leadership in organizations does not come from the leadership team only. It is a cultural thing and a mindset distilled across the organization. The leadership team needs to show direction, educate, support, promote and lead by example. But the true impact depends on how the organization will embrace the servant leadership philosophy.

autor:   A4BEE Board Member,